Property Change History window

This window displays a read-only overview of the changes made to a subset of the properties for a field during extraction. This information is stored in the XDocument.

Review this history to view details about the extraction of this field.

You can access this window via the Extraction Results window only. Alternatively, similar information is available in the XDoc Browser.

Important This window is available only when the "Save field property change history" setting is selected in the Project Settings - General Tab.

The following columns are available for each change.


The name of the class that is executing the current change.

Note For script events, it is possible that the class name changes due to script inheritance.

The name of the script event or the name of the processing step.

Note If the Scope is set to Server-side formatting & validation, a single entry for that entire scope is listed in the history.

The source of the process change. This value is either "Processing" or "Script".

Property Text

The extracted result for the field.

Property Confidence

The confidence of the extracted result.

Property Valid

Indicates if the extracted result is valid or not. True is returned for a valid result and False is returned for an invalid result.

Property Preserve

If this value is set to True, the field is not cleared if a document is reclassified and its value is not changed by the defined locator in the new class. Only formatting may be applied.

When this value is set to False, the field can be extracted once again.

Property ExtractionConfident

Indicates if the extracted result is confident or not. True is returned for a confident result and False is returned for a result that is not confident.

Property ErrorDescription

The description of the error encountered, if any.