Document Viewer (zone mode)

This Document Viewer mode is only available when either the Properties of Advanced Zone Locator window or the Properties of A2iA Zone Locator window is open. This window enables you to view and test various zone configurations. When configuring a zone locator, you need to select a Reference Document. This reference document can then be used to configure your zones. If you open the Document Viewer before opening the zone locator properties window, it automatically changes to the Document Viewer (zone mode). In this case, you may need to switch to the Reference Document in order to configure your zones, as this functionality is not available when a test document or a sample document is selected.

In addition to this mode, the Document Viewer can also be displayed in Table mode and the default Document Viewer mode, and any zone specific functionality is no longer available.

Note If the zone locator properties window is closed, the Document Viewer (zone mode) reverts to the default Document Viewer.

The available Document Viewer (zone mode) functions are displayed in a toolbar at the top of this window. Any options that are not available for the selected document are disabled.

Table 1. Document Viewer (zone mode) Toolbar Options
Option Name and Description

Previous Document icon

Previous Document

Navigates to the previous document.

Next Document icon

Next Document

Navigates to the next document.

Previous Page icon

Previous Page

Navigates to the previous page in the current document.

Next Page icon

Next Page

Navigates to the next page in the current document.

Zoom In icon

Zoom In

Increases the magnification of the current page in the Document Viewer.

Zoom Out icon

Zoom Out

Decreases the magnification of the current page in the Document Viewer.

Fit to Page icon

Best Fit

Adjusts the magnification of the image so it fits within the Document Viewer.

Copy icon

Copy Zone

Copies the selected zones to the clipboard.

Note This option is available for the Advanced Zone Locator only and is enabled when at least one zone is selected.

Paste icon

Paste Zone

Pastes the zones copied to the clipboard to the selected destination.

Note This option is available for the Advanced Zone Locator only and is enabled once a zone is copied to the clipboard.

Selection Mode icon

Selection Mode

Selects zones and anchor zones in the Viewer window. Draw a rectangle around the zones or anchor zones to select multiple zones in a specific region.

Add Text Zone icon

Add Text Zone

Draws a text zone on the reference document.

Add OMR Zone icon

Add OMR Zone

Draws an OMR zone on the reference document.

Add OMR Group Zone icon

Add OMR Group Zone

Draws an OMR group zone around two or more OMR zones on the reference document.

For example, use this tool to group the data from several check boxes and output a single result.

Note This option is available only when the selected locator is an Advanced Zone Locator.

Add Anchor icon

Add Anchor

Draws an anchor zone on the reference document.

Note This option is available only when the selected locator is an Advanced Zone Locator.

Remove Background icon

Remove Background

Click this button to remove the background from a document to improve zonal recognition. Five unique sample documents, including the reference document are required to use this feature. This option is cleared by default.

Display zones with registration applied icon

Displays zones with registration applied

Click this button to turn registration on and off in test mode to improve performance. If anchors exist, they are processed and displayed before recognition is performed.

Note This option is available only when the selected locator is an Advanced Zone Locator.

Show Black and White Image icon

Show Black and White Image

Switches the color image in the Document Viewer to a black and white version.

Reference Document / Test Documents / Sample Documents

Document Set

Select one of the document sets to test or configure your zones.

Note In order to add, modify, or configure zones, you need to open the Reference Document. The other options in this list only allow you to test zones.

Help icon


Displays the Help.