Locator method types

The following locator method types are available:

Icon Locator Method Type Description

Address Locator icon

Address Locator

This locator method finds addresses on structured, unstructured, and semi-structured machine-printed US documents.

Advanced Zone Locator icon

Advanced Zone Locator

This locator method reads the content of one or more predefined zones and maps the extracted value to corresponding fields.

A2iA Zone Locator icon

A2iA Zone Locator

This locator method reads the content of predefined zone(s) and recognizes difficult characters like words in cursive handwriting. The A2iA Zone Locator is licensed separately.

Bar Code Locator icon

Bar Code Locator

This locator method finds and reads bar codes on a document.

Classification Locator icon

Classification Locator

This locator method uses another Kofax TotalAgility project with a classification scheme that differs from current project, to classify a document and save the results to an index field. For example, it is possible to define a project that classifies documents for 50 different languages. Using this language project, Kofax TotalAgility can further classify the current document to determine the language in the field that is assigned to the locator.

Database Locator icon

Database Locator

This locator method matches records in a database based on data found on a document and returns database records as field values.

Format Locator icon

Format Locator

This locator method finds items on a document using regular expressions. This locator finds data found that is consistent in format, such as amounts, dates, and numbers.

Invoice Group Locator icon

Invoice Group Locator

This locator method returns fields related to the supplier or vendor, such as the order number and order date.

Invoice Header Locator icon

Invoice Header Locator

This locator method takes results from four other locators. This locator provides numbers, amounts, and dates, and extracts invoice header data, such as the invoice number, order date, total, and tax values.

Line Item Matching Locator icon

Line Item Matching Locator

This locator method uses technology that integrates a back-extraction feature that automatically extracts and matches invoice line items with purchase order data.

Named Entity Locator icon

Named Entity Locator

This locator method extracts named entities such as a people, places, organizations, roles, times, amounts, etc. These named entities are found in unstructured, natural language text like sentences found in emails, documents, or even a report, to name a few.

Order Group Locator icon

Order Group Locator

This locator method returns fields related to the type of information typically found in invoice headers, such as invoice number, invoice date, customer ID and VAT ID.

Script Locator icon

Script Locator

This locator method uses custom script events to locate data. The locator exits to a script that implements the location method or calls a custom locator DLL. Scripts are written with the built-in VBA-compatible script language.

Sentiment Locator icon

Sentiment Locator

This locator method detects the mood or sentiment of a document so that you know if it contains a majority of negative content such as words or phrases, an equal amount of positive and negative content, or a majority of positive content.

Summary Locator icon

Summary Locator

This locator method provides a summary of a document.

Table Locator icon

Table Locator

This locator method fills table fields. Fields are defined in a table model and then those fields are mapped to the locator.

Note To train this locator method, manually enable training.

Text Content Locator icon

Text Content Locator

This locator method finds data in unstructured documents. In order to use this locator training documents are required.

Note You cannot train this locator using online learning. Although this locator can collect training documents, you must train it manually, which can be time consuming.

Themes Locator Icon

Themes Locator

This locator method provides a theme or topic for a document.

Trainable Group Locator icon

Trainable Group Locator

This locator method returns trainable fields for all relevant field data on a document.

Vendor Locator icon

Vendor Locator

This locator method detects the vendor address on an invoice. The locator uses other information such as name, address, VAT ID, phone number, PO number, and so forth, together with a vendor database or PO database to identify vendors and match them to the Vendor database records.

All locators have test modes that help you fine-tune and configure locator settings. Test results are highlighted in the Document Viewer and displayed in an extraction result list , sorted by confidence.

In addition to these locator method types, there are also evaluator methods and trainable locator methods.