General tab - Properties of Database Evaluator window

Use this tab to select the comparison databases, subfields, and additional settings. The following options are available:

Select database

Select a database from the list. If the desired database is not available, you can be add it to the project by clicking on the Database Settings button. This opens the Project Settings - Databases tab. The value for this option is set to<none> by default.

Assign Locators to Database Fields

This group displays the database fields and their mapped locator subfields.

Properties for Field "X"

This group dynamically updates depending on what field is selected in the Assign Locators to Database Fields table above. The following options are available:

Evaluation type

The Database Evaluator matches the extracted data on a document to a database record, but only if every field meets one of the following evaluation types:

  • Exact match required. The data from the locator assigned to this field needs to exactly match the value in the database. Even in case of a very small differences between the input value and the database value, the condition fails.

    Important This value should be used for very sensitive data fields, where small differences can cause false database matches.
  • Partial match required. The data from the locator assigned to this field should partially match the value in the database. The condition is met even if the field is poorly extracted or is printed slightly differently than listed in the database.

    Note If the field value contains 4 characters or fewer, the Exact match required value should be used instead of Partial match required value.
  • No match required. The data from the locator assigned to this field need not match the value in the database. This option is selected by default.

Replace with database value

If a record is matched, you can decide whether or not the extracted value is replaced with the corresponding database value. You can choose one of the following options:

  • Never allow. For this field, the database value never replaces the input value.

  • Allow by partial match. For this field, the database value only replaces the input value if the values have enough characters in common. For example, the word plue is replaced with blue, but the word red is not be replaced with blue.

  • Always allow. For this field, the database value always replaces the input value, even if the database value is empty or contains totally different text. This option is selected by default.

Definitions for the buttons at the bottom of this window can be found in Common Transformation Designer Buttons.