Settings tab - Properties of Invoice Header Locator window

The Settings tab of the Invoice Header Locator is separated into four separate sets of properties. You can switch the view by selecting one of the following:

  • General Settings

  • Format Locators

  • Currencies

  • Highlighting

General Settings

This group has the following options:


This group has the following option:

Support multiple invoices

Select this option if you want to support multiple invoices. This option can be used if attachments and copies of invoices are common. Since this option may lower your extraction quality, only use this option if necessary. This option is cleared by default.

General Settings

This group has the following Formatting options:

Select formatter for dates

Select a Date Formatter from the list. The value for this option is set to DefaultDateFormatter by default.

Select formatter for amounts

Select an Amount Formatter from the list. The value for this option is set to the DefaultAmountFormatter by default.


Click this button to configure your formatting methods.

The "General Settings" also enables you to select one or more countries from the Supported Countries group.

You can manage the list of available countries by clicking on the Countries button.

Format Locators

This group has the following options:

Invoice number locator

Select this option and choose the locator subfield that extracts the invoice number from the list. This option is selected by default.

Minimum confidence

Type a value or use the slider to select a confidence value for the invoice number locator. The value for this option is set to 50 by default.

Order number locator

Select this option and choose a locator subfield that extracts the order number from the list. This option is selected by default.

Minimum confidence

Type a value or use the slider to select a confidence value for the order number locator. The value for this option is set to 50 by default.

Date locator

Select this option and choose a locator subfield that extracts the date from the list. This option is selected by default.

Minimum confidence

Type a value or use the slider to select a confidence value for the date locator. The value for this option is set to 50 by default.

Amount locator

Select this option and choose a locator subfield that extracts the amount from the list. This option is selected by default. However, no locator subfield is selected by default.

Minimum confidence

Type a value or use the slider to select a confidence value for the amount locator. The value for this option is set to 50 by default.


This group has the following options:


Type a common currency abbreviation that may be might be mistaken for the incorrect currency type.


Type the value for the corresponding Abbreviation that you want displayed in the output.


Click this button to add an Abbreviation and Result pair to the list of currency abbreviations.


Click this button to remove the selected currency abbreviation from the list.


This group enables you to select a Highlight Color for each of the following fields:

  • Order Number

  • Order Date

  • Invoice Number

  • Invoice Date

  • Net Amount

  • Total Amount

  • Tax

Definitions for the buttons at the bottom of this window can be found in Common Transformation Designer Buttons.