Process tab

The Process tab on the Ribbon is used to test the processing of documents, to perform recognition, and to train the project.

Additionally you can configure benchmarks for separation, classification, and extraction.

Table 1. Options available in the Train group
Option Name and Description

Train - Classification icon

The text for this icon depends on how your project is configured.


Trains the classifiers, but only if a layout or content classifier is configured for your project and the training sets contain documents for your classes.

Separation & Classification

Trains both classification and separation. This option is available only when Standard Document Separation or Trainable Document Separation is enabled in the Project Settings.

Train - Extraction icon


Trains the trainable locators, if training documents are added to the Extraction Set.

Train - Auto Optimization Classification icon

Optimize Content Classifier

Takes the content of the selected document set and optimizes the parameters for content classification using the Adaptive Feature Classifier (AFC).

Table 2. Options available in the Test group
Option Name and Description

Test - Recognize Selection icon


Performs text recognition using the default profile for the recognition settings.

Test - Separate Selection icon


Performs document separation and shows the results in the Document Separation Results window.

Test - Classify Selection icon


Performs classification.

Test - Extract Selection icon


Extracts data using the field and locator definition of the selected class. Refine your extraction by selecting one of the following submenu options:

Test - Extract Selection icon Extract Selected Documents

Extracts the data from the selected documents using the field and locator definition of the selected class.

Test - Extract Selection icon Extract Selected Documents without Validation

Extracts the data from the selected documents using the field and locator definition of the selected class without Validation.

Test - Process Selection icon


Performs classification and extraction. Refine your processing by selecting one of the following submenu options:

Test - Process Selection icon Process Selected Documents

Performs classification and extraction on the selected documents.

Test - Process Selection icon Process Selected Documents without Validation

Performs classification and extraction on the selected documents without Validation.

Clear Data icon

Clear Data

Clears the data for the selected documents. You can clear data recursively by selecting one of the following submenu options:

Clear Data icon Clear Selected Documents

Clears the extraction data and classification results for the selected documents.

Clear Data icon Clear Documents Recursively

Clears the extraction data and classification results of all documents.

Clear All icon Clear All

Clears the extraction data and classification results for the selected documents.

Load Data icon

Load Data

Loads any saved extraction data or classification results for the selected documents.

Table 3. Options available in the Benchmark group
Option Name and Description

Benchmark - Separation icon


Loads all documents in the selected documents subset into memory, merges all of the pages into a single document, and separates this document using your existing separation settings. A progress bar indicates what percentage of the documents are processed. When the progress bar reaches 100%, the Separation Benchmark window opens and displays the separation benchmark results for analysis.

Benchmark - Classification icon


Displays the Classification Benchmark window and calculates a detailed analysis of the classification quality for the Classification Training training documents set.

Classification Benchmark (All Classification Settings) icon Classification Benchmark (All Classification Settings)

Displays the Classification Benchmark window and calculates a detailed analysis of the classification quality for a benchmark set using all of the project classification settings.

Classification Benchmark (By Classifier) icon Classification Benchmark (Specific Classifier)

Displays the Classification Benchmark window and calculates a detailed analysis of the classification quality for a benchmark set using a specific classifier only.

Benchmark - Extraction icon


Displays the Extraction Benchmark window and performs an analysis of the extraction quality. To refine your extraction benchmark results, select one of the following submenu options:

Benchmark - Extraction Selected Class icon Extraction Benchmark (Selected Class)

Displays the Extraction Benchmark window and performs an analysis of the extraction quality for the currently selected class. All documents in the selected documents subset are extracted using the extraction settings for the selected class. The documents are not classified before being extracted. You can save the results of the benchmark in a file.

Benchmark - Extraction Selected Class and Children icon Extraction Benchmark (Selected Class And Children)

Displays the Extraction Benchmark window. All documents in the selected documents subset are classified and extracted using the extraction settings for the selected class and its child classes. The extraction benchmark results however, only consider the documents that are classified as the selected class or one of its child classes.

Use this option when there is a common base class for several child classes that contain similar fields. For example, you have a project that processes invoices, orders, and other documents. The invoice class has several supplier subclasses. Since the child classes have similar fields, you can perform an extraction benchmark to test the extraction results for these classes.

Benchmark - Extraction All Classes icon Extraction Benchmark (All Classes)

Displays the Extraction Benchmark window. Performs an extraction benchmark for all of the classes in your project. All documents in the selected documents subset are classified, and then extracted using your current settings.

Use this option when you have a project that contains several classes with similar fields. For example, an project that processes invoices has a different class for each supplier.