Set up Validation

Validation is configured mostly outside of the Transformation Designer. You can however, configure validation methods and use them to validate extracted data for the following locator methods:

  • Order Group Locator

  • Invoice Group Locator

  • Amount Group Locator

You can set up validation by following these steps:

  1. In the Project Tree, select a class from the class hierarchy.
  2. In the Details windows, edit the options for the defined fields.

    Set validation thresholds for valid fields and enable the Require manual field confirmation option as needed.

  3. Create validation methods.
    1. From the Project menu, select Project Settings to display the Project Settings window.
    2. Click the Validation tab.
    3. Click Add to display the New Validation Method window.
    4. Enter a name for the method and select the type of the validation method.
    5. Click OK to open the validation method properties window to set parameters.
    6. Click OK to save your settings and close the window.
    7. Assign the newly added validation method to an Order, Invoice, or Amount Group Locator.
  4. Save the changes to your project.