Evaluation Settings tab - Properties of Advanced Evaluator window

Each subfield that was added to the Evaluator Subfields list on the Subfields tab has its own set of options. These options are as follows:


Select a formatter in the list so that the alternatives from the selected input locator can be compared based on their formats. The value for this option is set to <none> by default.

You can edit the selected formatter by clicking on its properties Properties icon button. Alternatively, if the desired formatter is not available, you can click on the Formatting button. The Formatting tab on the Project Settings window is displayed so you can add a new formatter.

Input Locator 1 / Input Locator 2 / Input Locator 3

Select a locator for one or more of the input locators from the lists. Once selected, additional options become available. All three of these options are set to <none> by default.

The area below the input locator list contains the evaluation steps for each of the selected locators. You can manage the evaluation steps using the following options:

Use this evaluation step for processing

Each evaluation step has a check box with a corresponding number above it. When selected, the input locators are evaluated as configured. This option is selected by default.

Use alternatives for input locator / Ignore alternatives for input locator

If an input locator is selected, additional settings are available in the column directly below. Click the Ignore Ignore Input Locator button button to use the above locator in this evaluation step. When clicked, the button changes to the Use Use Input Locator button button. The value for this option is set to Ignore Ignore Input Locator button by default.


If a trainable locator is selected as the input locator, additional buttons are available. Select the G button Generic Algorithm Results button to use alternatives returned by the generic training algorithm. Select the S button Specific Algorithm Results button for alternatives returned by the specific training algorithm, and select the § button Rule-based Algorithm Results button to use rules based alternatives for this locator. All three options are selected by default.

Input Locator Minimum Confidence

This option is only available if the input locator is set to Use Use Input Locator button. Alternatives need to be greater or equal to the specified confidence in order to be returned for evaluation. The value for this option is set to 60 by default.

Output confidence set to

If selected, this option changes the output confidence of the best alternative to the specified value to the right. This effectively increases the overall confidence of an alternative because it is returned by locators. This option is cleared by default.

Output minimum confidence

This option is only available if the Output confidence set to option is selected. Set the confidence for the found alternative. The value for this option is set to 60 by default.

Use the following buttons to manage your evaluation steps:


Creates a new row so you can have additional evaluation settings.


Removes the selected row of evaluation settings.

Move Up

Moves the selected evaluation setting up one position in the list so it is evaluated earlier in the process.

Move Down

Moves the selected evaluation setting down one position in the list so it is evaluated later in the process.

Definitions for the buttons at the bottom of this window can be found in Common Transformation Designer Buttons.