Project details

The Project details are displayed when you select the root Project Project Tree - Project icon node in the Project Tree.


This group has the following options:

Project category
The name of the project category.
Project name

This is a read-only field that displays the name of your project.

Project version

This is a read-only field that displays the version of Kofax TotalAgility - Transformation Designer where your project is last saved. If you make changes and save your project in the newest version of the Transformation Designer, this value updates to the current version.

Project type
This value shows whether a project is a shared project or if it is a classification or extraction specific project.
Number of classes

This is a read-only field that displays the number of classes in your project. This value includes all classes including any child classes.

Project protection

This indicates whether a project is protected or not.

This value is either not activated, protected, or not protected.


This field enables you to provide a description for your project. This field is editable at all times so that you can update it as necessary. The best practice is to provide as many details as possible about the purpose of the project as well as any configuration details that are not easily remembered or quickly discerned from viewing the project configuration.