Image Cleanup tab - Properties of Zone window

The top of the Zone Properties window provides a view of the zone image, the name of the selected zone, and the three tabs to adjust your settings.

Background Removal is available only if background information is created using the General tab of the Zones properties window.

Image Cleanup can use either a local profile specific for the zone or global profiles. These cleanup profiles can be set up in the Project Settings on the Image Cleanup tab. You can also copy methods from other profiles.

Image Cleanup

This group has the following options:


Select this option to enable background removal to clean up the image. This option is only available if five or more documents are available and background information is created using the General tab of the Zones properties window.


Select a profile from the list for testing.

You can manage your global and local image cleanup methods using the following buttons:


Opens the Image Cleanup window for the local profile.


Enables you to copy global Image Cleanup Methods so they can be used locally without affecting any other zones using the global copy.


Opens the Project Settings - Image Cleanup tab window.


Test the selected profile against the image displayed at the top of the window.


This group has the following options:

Use PDF text if available

Select this option to avoid running recognition for a PDF that has embedded text.


Select a profile from the list.

Use the following buttons to manage your recognition profiles:


Displays the Profile Settings for the selected recognition profile.


Displays the Project Settings - Recognition tab.

Recognition Test

This group displays the test results for the select zone and its subfields.

Important These test results only refer to the reference document. If you want to test the results for other documents, you need to test them in the locator properties.

Definitions for the buttons at the bottom of this window can be found in Common Transformation Designer Buttons.