Line Item Matching Locator

Line Item Matching Locator icon The Line Item Matching Locator uses processed documents along with information from your back-end enterprise resource planning (ERP) system to extract and match line items on an invoice or invoice-related document. The algorithm uses information from the back-end system to find relevant items based on the incoming invoice.

Combining the methods in an integrated system provides more selective information extraction. As with any search, it is easier to find something if you know what to find.

For the matching process, the Line Item Matching Locator locates additional line items in invoices that involve multiple purchase orders. The locator uses the found alternatives to query the external ERP system for information about each purchase order. The Line Item Matching Locator then uses the compilation of that information to search for matches within the invoice and extract the line items. You can also use the Vendor ID to enhance your extraction results if the purchase order number cannot be confidently found on the document.

The Line Item Matching Locator does the following:

  1. Uses a database table for purchase order and vendor data

  2. Uses input locators for purchase order number and Vendor ID

  3. Finds the line items on an invoice based on open purchase orders

  4. Matches invoice and purchase order line items

  5. Automatically generates and uses training data for online learning during runtime, when enabled

When using the Line Item Matching Locator as an input locator for a Table Locator, additional columns can be found. In this way, the Table Locator benefits from the Line Item Matching Locator extraction results. These results are also for Extraction Online Learning.

Important Before using the Line Item Matching Locator, set up a database containing the complete information about open purchase orders. As the locator attempts to match incoming invoices with open purchase orders, the purchase order data must be complete, accurate and up to date. The database also requires the similar columns to those that are populated from an ERP back-end system. The database should be updated continually, including the removal of fulfilled purchase orders. If the project uses the vendor ID, then the corresponding database should be likewise configured.

The Properties of Line Item Matching Locator window has the following tabs: