Remote Fuzzy Database Advanced Properties window

Use this window to configure additional Search and Matching Servers that allow you to accelerate the search with the aid of load balancing. This is where the computational workload is distributed to a several database hosts and increases reliability by additional hosts that can perform search requests even if the primarily configured server is not available.

Database Hosts

This group lists the primarily configured Remote Fuzzy Database as well as additional hosts. The following table columns are available:

Host name

Type the name by of the computer that runs a stand-alone Search and Matching Server or a Load Balancer that manages a cluster of several Search and Matching Servers. Alternatively, you can type the IP address, or if the Search and Matching Server or Load Balancer is installed on your local computer type localhost. You can search for all available servers and load balancers within your local network by clicking on the Database search button. Click the Down Arrow to select a server from the list.


If needed, change the port number that is used for communication with the Search and Matching Server. By default, the port number for a stand-alone Search and Matching Server is set to 22000 and the default port number for a Load Balancer is set to 22001. The Port value must correspond to the configured value for the server or load balancer.


Select from one of the following processing types for the added database host:

  • All - uses the database host for any requests that are performed during Transformation Server processing as well as for any database searches that are requested by a Validation module.

  • Extraction - uses the database host for requests that are performed by Transformation Server, but not for requests from the Validation module.

  • Validation - uses the database host for requests that are performed by the Validation module, but not for requests from Transformation Server module.

Use the following buttons to manage settings for the database hosts.


Click this button to add a database host.


Click this button to remove the currently-selected database host and its settings from the list.


Click this button to move the currently-selected database host one position up in the list. If you move a database host to the first position of the list it is automatically set as primary database host that is used to select


Click this button to move the currently-selected database host one position down in the list.


Click Search to display the Search and Matching Servers or Load Balancers that are available in the same network based on network broadcasts.

Note Only those servers that are located in the same network are displayed and firewall settings may block the broadcast.

Establishes a connection to the selected host and checks if a database with the same name and structure as the one selected on the primary database host is available. If the connection is faulty or problems for the database occur an error message is displayed.

Definitions for the buttons at the bottom of this window can be found in Common Transformation Designer Buttons.