Settings tab - Properties of Relation Evaluator window

Use this tab to configure the locators that are compared and additional settings such as the compare method.


This group has the following options:

Find all alternatives of locator

Select the locator from the list that returns a best alternative that can act as the anchor for the Relation Evaluator. The result for this locator is usually a unique word or phrase found using a Format Locator. The position of this locator alternative is evaluated for comparison later.

which are

Select a relative position for the anchor locator in comparison to the comparison locator. The value for this option is set toright of by default.

and in the same line as

Select this option if the two locators are physically located on the same line. This option is only available if the "right of" or "left of" options are selected from the "which are" list. This option is cleared by default.

the alternatives of locator

Select the locator from the list that you want to compare to the anchor locator.


This group has the following options:

Return up to N alternatives

Type a number to specify how many alternatives are returned. The value for this option is set to1 by default.

Select one of the following confidence options:

Keep original confidence

Select this option if you want to order the alternatives based on their original confidence. The original confidence determined by the anchor locator is kept. This is the default value for this option.

Correlate confidence with distance

Select this option if you want to order the alternatives based on their distance from the anchor alternative. The original confidence is ignored and a new confidence is assigned depending on the distance between the alternative and the anchor alternative. Alternatives that are directly next to the anchor alternative would get a confidence of 100% and the further away they are, the lower their confidence.

Combine original confidence with distance

Select this option if you want to order the alternatives based on a combination of original confidence and distance. The original confidence is added to a smaller confidence value that reflects the distance between the alternative and the anchor alternative.

Return only alternatives closer than X mm

Type a value that restricts the alternatives returned based on their proximity to one another. The value for this option is set to 2mm by default.

Definitions for the buttons at the bottom of this window can be found in Common Transformation Designer Buttons.