Hierarchy View in the Documents window

This view displays the documents in the selected document subset in a hierarchical structure. Each document is represented as an XDocument (.xdc) and this is shown using a Document Hierarchy View - Document icon icon. If you expand a document, all of its pages Hierarchy View - Page icon are shown.

In addition to these documents, the following columns are displayed and are populated with data for each document.

Classification Result

Displays the classification result for a document.


Displays the confidence of the classification result assigned to a document.

Many options can also be performed via the Documents or Process Ribbon tabs. The following options may be available only using the document shortcut menu, depending on the selected document set or item in the Hierarchy View:

Show Document

Opens the selected document in the Document Viewer window.

Add to Training Set of Selected Class (Classification)

Adds the selected documents to the Classification Set, assigns the selected class and confirms the documents.

Add to Training Set of Selected Class (Extraction)

Opens the Edit Document window so you can add the selected documents to the Extraction Set.


This option provides a list of available editing operations to test the selected document or page.

Clear Data

Removes the classification and extraction data for the selected documents.

Load Data

Reads the XDoc and loads the classification and extraction data for the selected document or documents. This data is required in order for sorting, filtering, and benchmarks to work.

Open in Windows Explorer

Opens Microsoft Windows Explorer and displays the directory where the selected document is located.

Open in XDoc Browser

Opens the selected document in Kofax TotalAgility - XDoc Browser