Zones tab - Properties of Advanced Zone Locator window

This tab displays a list of zones in tabular format that are added to the reference document. The following columns are available:


This column shows the name of a zone.

The name for a zone should be descriptive and include the type of zone. For example, OMR_Title, or Text_Surname.


This columns displays the page where the zone is located.


This column displays the name of the profile assigned to a zone.


This column displays the state of zone. This field is populated only in one of the following circumstances:

  • A zone is an OMR group. In this case, the value for this field is Group.

  • A zone is a member of an OMR group. In this case, the value for this field is Member of <GroupName>. Also, the Profile is no longer displayed because it is inherited from the group zone.

  • A text zone is a copied for voting. In this case, the value for this field is Voting.

  • A text zone is a copy for voting. In this case, the value for this field is Voting with <VotingZoneName>. Also, the page value is no longer displayed because it is inherited from the copied zone.

The following buttons are available for configuring your zones.


Adds a new zone to the reference document.

Tip For the best results add zones using the Zone Viewer window. This enables you to view the zone size, location and type on the reference sample as you add the zone.

Removes the selected zone from the Advanced Zone Locator.


Renames the selected zone in the Advanced Zone Locator.

Copy for voting

Since only one recognition profile can be used per zone, use this button to create a copy of a zone so it can be configured to use a different recognition profile. The two zones are compared and zone with the best result wins.


Opens the Zone Properties window.


Displays the Project Settings Recognition tab.

Zone Wizard

Opens the Zone Wizard so you can detect and accept zones automatically. Insert five different high-quality sample images.

Tip You can run the wizard with a single sample as long that image is an empty form of high-quality.

Definitions for the buttons at the bottom of this window can be found in Common Transformation Designer Buttons.