Registration tab - Properties of Advanced Zone Locator window

Use the Registration tab to define the type of registration.

Registration Type

This group enables you to select one of the following registration types:


Use this registration type when manual anchors only are used for zone registration or if no registration should be performed at all.


Use this registration type with default values for global and local registration and to correct small shifts, skewed documents, and linear stretching using graphical elements and background elements. This is the default value for this option.

Any documents with fixed features, such as application forms, can use this type of registration.


Use this registration type to define custom settings for global and local registration.

Forms with dropout graphical elements, such as red shading or boxes on forms that are removed when scanned, can use this type of registration.

Global Registration

This group is used to configure global registration and is available only when the Custom Registration Type is selected. This group has the following options:


This type of registration uses the anchors specified on the Anchoring tab. At least three anchors must be defined and selected for registration to use this option. If fewer than three anchors are selected for registration, anchoring registration is skipped, and a warning icon appears. The warning icon flashes to draw your attention.

The registration is valid if at least three anchors selected for registration are found, and they meet the minimum registration confidence. If fewer than three of those registered anchors are found, or the confidence is less than the minimum, the registration is invalid and cannot be used. Instead, the next selected registration method is used. This option is disabled by default.


This type of registration uses lines for the registration if there are at least four horizontal and four vertical lines on the form. If there are fewer than four horizontal and vertical lines, lines registration cannot be used. This option is selected by default.


This type of registration is able to correct shifts, skewed documents, and linear stretching. This is because the document is aligned based on the typewritten text. For example, when preprinted text is equally distributed on the form, this provides a kind of static background registration. Full text recognition reads are required for all pages. This option is cleared by default.


This type of registration can be used if the background of the form has a significant structure, such as graphics, labels, boxes or lines that may be dropped out during scanning. Usually layout registration should not be used if there is no background structure due to the usage of dropout colors during scanning. Avoid using this registration type if there are table-like structures on a document, because the algorithm may mistakenly match the structures with specific regions. This option is selected by default.

Local Registration

This group is used to configure local registration and is available only when the Custom Registration Type is selected. The group has the following options:

Account for local distortion

This type of registration uses shift vectors near to the current zone. Registration information is used only for zones on a specific area of a document. This option is cleared by default.

Local re-registration

This type of registration performs an image matching algorithm in the surrounding area of each zone. This method can return the most accurate results if the zones have a definite background such as boxes or labels. Additional computation time is required. This option is selected by default.

Max. horizontal offset

If "Local re-registration" is selected, you can limit the range of the local re-registration. You can set lower maximum horizontal offset values for well-scanned, quality documents. You can set higher values for poorly-scanned or less legible documents, such as fax documents. The value for this option is set to 5.0 mm by default.

Max. vertical offset

If "Local re-registration" is selected, you can limit the range of the local re-registration. You can set maximum vertical offset values lower for well-scanned, quality documents than for poorly-scanned, illegible documents, such as fax documents. The value for this option is set to 5.0 mm by default.

Registration failure makes zone invalid

If this option is selected, a zone is marked as unconfident if local re-registration fails. In this case the zone confidence is set to 0%, and the zone is empty. This option is selected by default.

Max. percentage of failures per page

If local re-registration for the zones of a current page fails for more zones than the specified percentage value, all zones for the current page are set to invalid. All zones are empty, and their confidence is set to 0%. The value for this option is set to 25 by default.

Definitions for the buttons at the bottom of this window can be found in Common Transformation Designer Buttons.