Properties of Associative Search Database window

Use this window to configure an Associative Search Database. This window has the following properties:

Import Source

This group has the following options:

Import from a semicolon-separated CSV file

Browse to and select a CSV file.

First line contains captions

Select this option if the first record of the input file contains the column headers. This option is selected by default.

Automatic update from import file

Select this option to update the Associative Search Database when the source file is updated. This option is cleared by default.

Note If this option is selected, the database is updated when Transformation Server runs during production.
Important This automatic update feature is not supported by Azure.
Field Configuration

The table lists the following columns:Field Name, Search, and Filter columns for the selected CSV file. Selecting the Search option for a record includes that field in the search. Selecting the Filter option makes that field available for filtering via script.

  • Field Name.

  • Search.

    If this option is selected for a field, it is used in the search.

  • Filter.

    If this option is selected for a field, it is possible to filter the data before searching to reduce the number of possible records. The application of filtering is possible only using scripting.

This menu has the following option:

Column used as record identifier

Select a column from the list to be used to help identify the records. This column must contain a unique alpha-numeric identifier for each record. The first column of the database is selected by default.