General tab - Properties of Bar Code Locator window

Use the General tab to configure how a bar code is recognized as well as the length settings.

Bar Code Recognition Engines

This group has the following option:

Select how bar codes are recognized

Select one of the following methods to recognize bar codes.

  • FineReader.

    Select this option to use the FineReader recognition engine to detect and extract bar codes. This is the default value for this option.

    When this option is selected, the FineReader Settings tab is available.

  • Enhanced Bar Code.

    Select this option to use the Enhanced Bar Code recognition engine to detect and extract bar codes.

  • FineReader and Enhanced Bar Code.

    When this option is selected, the following option is available.

    Voting behavior when locations match

    Select one of the following methods to determine which recognition engine results are used if the bar code locations for each engine are found at the same coordinates.

    • Use FineReader result.

      When selected, the FineReader result is extracted rather than the Enhanced Bar Code result.

    • Use Enhanced Bar Code result.

      When selected, the Enhanced Bar Code result is extracted rather than the FineReader result.

    • Use Both results.

      When selected, both recognition engine results are returned. The voting between the two results is then done via script.


This group has the following options:

Restrict length

Select this option to eliminate any unwanted bar codes from the results. This option is cleared by default.

Min. length

This option is available only when the "Restrict length" option is selected. Set the minimum length so shorter bar codes are excluded from the results. The value for this option is set to 5 by default.

Max. length

This option is available only when the "Restrict length" option is selected. Set the maximum length so longer bar codes are excluded from the results. The value for this option is set to 10 by default.

Definitions for the buttons at the bottom of this window can be found in Common Transformation Designer Buttons.