Displaying references

References display as a color arrow leading from the reference anchor zone to the fill zone(s). Colors and line styles may vary as detailed below.

Figure 1. Reference created between two zones
Reference created between two zones

Reference arrow color turns red on selection, and the selected zone has a dashed outline.

Figure 2. Reference arrow color and outline on selection
Reference arrow color and outline on selection

The starting position of the arrow indicates where the reference point of the selected zone is located. You may set the reference point in the Reference Point property of the Zone property grid. By default, it is set to Auto. Further available options are:

  • Figure 3. Center

  • Figure 4. Top-Left

  • Figure 5. Top-Right

  • Figure 6. Bottom-Left

  • Figure 7. Bottom-Right

If you create a reference between more than two zones, the reference arrow has as many heads as the number of the referenced fill zones.

Figure 8. Multiple reference arrows
Multiple reference arrows

If you click the reference zone, all the arrowheads turn red. If you click any of the fill zones, only the arrowhead belonging to the selected zone turns red. The selected zone(s) receive(s) a dashed outline.

Figure 9. Multiple reference arrows color and outline on selection
Multiple reference arrows color and outline on selectionn

The reference arrow has a dashed line if it is linked only to a single side of the fill zone.