Ribbon Key Tips

The Form Template Editor ribbon interface can be controlled by keys assigned to all operations. To activate these keys: first press ALT then the key for the functionality that you want to access. For example: to start Auto Process Page (available in the Home tab in the Page tools group), first press ALT once, then press the H key on your keyboard once then finally press the P key.

Menu Bar and Tab Keys

The Menu bar and can be controlled through the following keys:

Table 1. Menu bar and tab keys
Menu item Keyboard reference
Save ALT, S
Undo ALT, U
Redo ALT, R
Help F1
File ALT, F
Home ALT, H
Library ALT, T
Zone selections ALT, Z
Arrange zones ALT, A

File Menu Keys

The File Menu can be controlled through the following keys:

Table 2. File menu keys
Menu item Keyboard reference
New ALT, F, N
Open ALT, F, O
Save ALT, F, S
Save as ... ALT, F, A
Close ALT, F, C
Export ALT, F, E
Add ALT, F, D
Recent ALT, F, R
Help ALT, F, H
Options ALT, F, T
Exit ALT, F, X

Home Tab Keys

The Home tab can be controlled through the following keys:

Table 3. Home tab keys
Menu item Keyboard reference
Auto process page ALT, H, P
Dropout color picker ALT, H, 0
Select ALT, H, 1
Text Anchor ALT, H, 2
Barcode Anchor ALT, H, 3
Fill text ALT, H, 4
Barcode ALT, H, 5
Checkbox ALT, H, 6
Comb ALT, H, 7
Auto process area ALT, H, 8
Create ALT, H, S
Remove ALT, H, R
Drifts ALT, H, D
Reference line ALT, H, L
Zone names ALT, H, Z
Check template ALT, H, K

Library tab keys

The Library tab can be controlled through the following keys:

Table 4. Library tab keys
Menu item Keyboard reference
Add test image ALT, T, A
Find match ALT, T, F
Extract data ALT, T, E
Export to CSV ALT, T, X
Quick edit ALT, T, Q

Zone Selections Tab Keys

The Zone selections tab can be controlled through the following keys:

Table 5. Zone selections tab keys
Menu item Keyboard reference
All anchors ALT, Z, A
All Fields ALT, Z, F
Reference anchors ALT, Z, R
Referenced fields ALT, Z, E
Invert selection ALT, Z, I
By name: ALT, Z, N
By rows ALT, Z, W
By columns ALT, Z, L
Left to right ALT, Z, F
Top to bottom ALT, Z, B
Reverse order ALT, Z, V
Rename ALT, Z, R

Arrange Zones Tab Keys

The Arrange zones tab can be controlled through the following keys:

Table 6. Arrange zones tab keys
Menu item Keyboard reference
Lefts ALT, A, L
Centers ALT, A, C
Rights ALT, A, R
Tops ALT, A, T
Middles ALT, A, M
Bottoms ALT, A, B
To same width ALT, A, W
To same heights ALT, A, H
To same sizes ALT, A, S

Comb Tab Keys

The Comb tools > Comb tab can be controlled through the following keys:

Table 7. Comb tools > Comb tab keys
Menu item Keyboard reference
Merge combs ALT, M
Leave Comb edit mode ALT, E
Define Eevenly distributed cells ALT, D
Merge cells ALT, R
Extract comb ALT, T
Select ALT, 1
Draw cell ALT, 2
Split cell ALT, 3