Set reading order

Form Template Editor allows you to define the reading order of the fillable field zones. This is useful if the automatic detection does not determine the correct zone order, or if the manually created zones are not drawn in the required order.

Specify the reading order of selected zones by selecting a tool from Zone selections > Reorder.

Note The reading order icons are only active if at least two zone types are selected from the library zone list.

Figure 1. Reading order options in the Reorder section
Reading order options in the Reorder section

Proceed with the following steps:

  1. Use the Home > Zone tools > Select tool and select the zones to order, proceeding with any of the following steps:
    • Ctrl + click all the zones you want to select.
    • Draw a rectangle around the zones.

  2. Change the reading order of the selected zones by proceeding with any of the following steps:
    • Click By rows to arrange zones based on their vertical position. For details on the process, see By Rows.
    • Click By columns to arrange zones based on their horizontal position. For details on the process, see By Columns.
    • Click Left to right to arrange zones in left to right order. For details on the process, see Left to right.
    • Click Top to bottom to arrange zones in top to bottom order. For details on the process, see Top to Bottom.
    • Click Reverse order to arrange zones by reversing any order previously set. For details on the process, see Reverse order.