Getting help

The Toolkit is shipped with four HTML help files:

  • General Introduction: System requirements, Licensing, Testing and Distributing Applications, and so on

  • RecAPI: Full reference of all functions, enums and parameters for C++ implementation. It also contains the full RecPDF API reference, and most of the overview and reference topics which are not repeated for IPRO or Visuals.

  • IPRO: Full reference of the object model, events, methods and properties.

  • Visuals: Full description of all visual components.

The help includes Tutorials, Sample Codes and Reference topics. Access this through the Windows Start menu or Help buttons in the programs. Readme files present latest information and solutions to recently reported problems.

All these items are stored in electronic form in the sub-folder Documentation. The full collection is accessible to those who are evaluating the Kit, and also to purchasers, regardless of which Kit or Add-ons are purchased.