Access rights and prerequisites

By default, only users with the admin, Administrator, Project Administrator, or VCS Service User role can use Robot Lifecycle Management.

While all of these roles include the right to start the Synchronizer, VCS Service User is designed specifically for this purpose. The user with this role cannot make changes to a Management Console such as setting synchronization settings for a project. Therefore, you may assign this role to a user whose responsibilities do not include project management and primarily relate to synchronization with a version control system.

To allow a new user access to Robot Lifecycle Management, in the Management Console, the user must be added to a group that has one of these roles. For more information on user roles, see "Users & groups" in Kofax RPA Help.

If the Synchronizer operates on a file system that has specific non-standard limitations on characters and, therefore, may apply some restrictions on object names, it may cause issues during the synchronization of those objects, even if the file system itself is supported. To ensure successful synchronization, check that your file system allows characters used in the synchronized object names.