Add database Microsoft SQL Server database type

Use this procedure to add a modified database type in Management Console. As an example, see how to add a Microsoft SQL Server that requires Windows Integrated Security.

  1. In Management Console, select Settings > Database types.
  2. On the New type tab, specify the following values.
    • Name: Microsoft SQL Server (Integrated Security)
    • JDBC driver:
    • Connection URL template: jdbc:sqlserver://${ServerName};databaseName=${Schema};integratedSecurity=true
    • SQL flavor: Select Microsoft SQL Server.
  3. Click Save to add the database type.

  4. Download the "Microsoft JDBC Driver 4.0 for SQL Server" from the Microsoft website and extract it to a folder on your disk.
  5. Copy sqljdbc_auth.dll to the \lib directory in the Kofax RPA installation folder. The file is located in the extracted folder under Microsoft JDBC Driver 4.0 for SQL Server\sqljdbc_4.0\enu\auth\x64 or \86 folder.

    If there are RoboServers running on other computers, the sqljdbc_auth.dll must be installed on each one.

  6. Upload the sqljdbc.jar file to Management Console. Select Database drivers under Settings and click Upload driver JAR. Browse to the corresponding JDBC driver. The .jar file is located in the extracted folder under Microsoft JDBC Driver 4.0 for SQL Server\sqljdbc_4.0\enu.
  7. Restart Kofax RPA Management Console.

You can now connect to the database that uses the newly created database type in the Admin > RoboServers section in the Management Console.

Notes on Microsoft SQL Server for Windows Integrated Security
  • If you do not copy the required database .dll file, use the 32-bit version of the auth .dll instead of the 64-bit, or if you do not restart Management Console, you may get the following error message: "Error connecting to the database: This driver is not configured for integrated authentication."
  • If the server is not part of the domain, you may get the following error: "Error connecting to the database: Login failed. The login is from an untrusted domain and cannot be used with Windows authentication."

See the following topics for more details about using databases in Kofax RPA.