Task view

This section is available for users with the following roles: Administrator, Viewer, and Project Administrator.

The "Task view" gives an overview of the current activity across all servers and robots. This section shows scheduled robots as well as pre- and post-processing tasks started by the Management Console scheduler. To learn about the outcome of previous robot runs, view the logs.

Due to update delays, short-running robots may never (or almost never) appear in this view.

At the top of the "Task view" section, in the Clusters drop-down list, you can select the cluster with robots and tasks to display. You can change the way the information is presented as follows:

  • Select the table columns to display using the menu icon on the right.
  • Refresh the displayed information by clicking the refresh icon on the right.
  • Reset the custom column settings by clicking the reset icon on the right.
  • Select the number of items to display per page and navigate among pages by using the navigation menu in the bottom right corner.

By default, the following table columns are displayed for all currently running robots.




Name of the task that is running.


Name of the schedule that the task is running within.

Project name

Name of the project that the task belongs to.


The task may be in one of the following states:

The task is queued and waiting for execution. A task may be queued for the following reasons:
  • No servers

    There are currently no servers in the cluster, or all servers are offline. The task will start to execute when a server is added, or an offline server comes online.

  • No capacity

    All servers are executing at maximum capacity. The task will start to execute when other tasks finish and capacity becomes available, or if additional server are added to the cluster.

  • Waiting for other task

    The task may be waiting for another task to finish. Post-processing may not be run until all robots have finished, and robots may not be run before pre-processing has finished. Also, if robots on a schedule are configured for sequential execution, robots will remain queued until the previous robot completes.

The task is currently executing.

The task is sent to RoboServer but the execution has not started yet.

Last status change

Time of the last status change.


Summary of input for the running robot.


Execution priority for the task, Minimum, Low, Medium, High, or Maximum, in the queue of other tasks.


Time remaining before the timeout for task queuing is reached.