Extract from Email

This action extracts information from a saved email. As an input, this step takes either a string or a text variable containing an email message saved in MIME format in an .eml file. Extracting from the Outlook .msg format is not supported.

If the message file contains both HTML and plain text versions, the step creates two frames with HTML and plain text representation of the email.

The extracted email is opened in the browser and you can extract information from it just as from any HTML or plain text file. Any attachment except images is added in the anchor tag, and you can add it to a variable or open it for editing if the attachment type is supported by Kofax RPA.

For example, you can edit attached PDF, Excel, or HTML documents. If an email contains an image as an attachment, it is added as an inline image element. You can open images and extract information from them, such as using the Extract text from image step.

Sometimes when using the Load File step with .eml files that contain Unicode characters, the encoding may be incorrectly processed, leading to an improperly-encoded text value. If this happens, use the Load File step with a binary variable, followed by a converter step to set the encoding manually. See the Convert Binary to Text option in Data Converters.


Configure the Extract from Email action using the following properties:

Variable containing email

Select a string or a text variable that contains an email in MIME format.

Include all headers

By default the step includes only basic header information, such as From, To, Subject, Date, and Message ID. If you select this option, the entire message header is included in the extracted email.

  • Images to Load

    Filters images that are loaded with the email. Select from None, All, and Depends on URL.

    If you select Depends on URL, click the plus sign and specify a condition to filter the URLs.

  • More

    Click More to edit the step default options.