Errors using Excel with Basic Engine Robots

This topic describes how to resolve and prevent errors while running Basic Engine Robots using built-in Excel, which is an Apache POI implementation.

Set Formatting turns cell background color to white

Using the Set Formatting option in the Design Studio Recorder View turns the Excel cell background color to white. After saving the file, the background color of the cell remains white. A similar error occurs when setting the cell background color to black.

Use the built-in Excel (not the Basic Engine Robot) to set the format.

Invalid sheet name or sheet index

If you edit an Excel file with sheets assigned numeric names (1, 2, 3), and you have a formula in the file that uses the sheets for an action such as =SUM, an error occurs.

Rename the sheets to use non-numeric names (such as one, two, three). Also, numeric digits work if they are not the first character.