My Projects

The My Projects pane is under the toolbar in the Design Studio main window.

The My Projects pane consists of two primary folders: Local and Management Console.

Local folder

The Local folder shows an expanding and collapsing tree structure representing the local projects and databases that are in Design Studio. The Design Studio Databases folder shows local databases for your Design Studio.

  • Click or in this tree to expand or collapse the corresponding subtree. The folder can contain as many opened projects as you want.

  • Right-click a folder or file in the Local folder to see the context menu options. In addition to standard Windows menu options, the menu provides the following RPA project-related options.

Action Description

New Project

Opens the New Project window to create a new project.

Open Project

Opens the Open Project window, where you browse to find and open a project.

Close All

Closes all open projects and subfolders.

Save All

Saves all files in the tree.


Opens the file in the editor.

Refresh or Refresh All

Refreshes all opened files.


Opens a Rename File dialog box for renaming the file.


Opens a Move Files dialog box for changing the file location.


Opens a Copy File(s) dialog box for copying the file to a different location.


Prompts to delete the file.

Show in System Explorer

Opens the containing folder on your computer.

Create Robot Library File

Opens a dialog box for creating a robot library file. This option is available only for project folders.

For more information, see the "Robot Libraries" section in the Kofax RPA Developer's Guide.


Opens an Upload to Management Console dialog box with available options for uploading the file. See Upload to Management Console.

Copy URL

This option is available for Basic Engine Robots , snippets, Robots , types, database mappings, automation device mappings, and resources.

Copies the URL to the file to the clipboard. Use URL to open the file in Design Studio as shown in Open URL.

Show Dependencies

This option is available for Basic Engine Robots , snippets, and Robots .

Opens a Dependencies dialog box with all existing dependencies for the file, such as all types, snippets, and Robots associated with this file.

If the dependencies are not present in the local project, they are displayed as crossed out even though they exist in a shared project remotely.

Export Robots

Opens an Export Robots dialog box with options for converting the action step to a robot. See Convert old Desktop Automation action step.


Opens an Upgrade dialog box for upgrading a Basic Engine Robot.

With this action, upgrade your Basic Engine Robot to the newest version. Also upgrade your Basic Engine Robot created with the Classic browser to a Basic Engine Robot that uses the WebKit-based browser. See Upgrade Basic Engine Robots.

Management Console folder

The Management Console section shows an expanding and collapsing tree structure representing the robot projects and databases for the Management Consoles that you are connected to.

  • Click or in this tree to expand or collapse the corresponding subtree.

  • Right-click either the top-level Management Console folder or a subfolder to see the context menu options. In addition to standard Windows menu options, the menu provides the following Management Console options.

Action Description


Opens the file in the editor.


Refreshes all opened files.

Include all in refresh or Include in refresh

Includes either all projects of the selected Management Console in refresh or just one of them.

Exclude all from refresh or Exclude from refresh

Excludes either all projects of the selected Management Console from refresh or just one of them.

Refreshing all projects may take time, so we recommend that you exclude no longer required projects from refresh.

By default, all projects are excluded from refresh and marked (excluded from refresh) in the Management Console section.


Disconnects from the Management Console and resets the connection to the Management Console.

Use this option to switch users or roles when using Design Studio. This action requires re-authentication when connecting with the Management Console again, such as after a refresh.

Because the browser remembers the original user, the original user must log out of the Management Console before the next user logs in.


Opens the Design Studio Settings dialog box.


Opens a Synchronize dialog box for uploading newer files to Management Console.


Opens a Synchronize dialog box for downloading newer files from Management Console.


Opens a Synchronize dialog box for synchronizing with Management Console.

If any projects in the Management Console section are shared with the Design Studio on your computer, only the Management Console section contains those projects.

Depending on the status of the files in the shared project, the downloaded, updated, and deleted files may have a different appearance. You can synchronize your local project with the Management Console project using different strategies.

The following table shows project files with different statuses. The Management Console section provides tips and describes synchronization issues.

Icon Description Meaning

Shared project not downloaded to local

Dimmed robot icon and name

An object in a shared project exists in the connected Management Console, yet is not downloaded to your Design Studio.

Shared project with no changes

Normal icon and object name

An object in a shared project is in sync with a remote Management Console.

Striked out object name

Normal icon with object name crossed out

The object is deleted in the project on your computer.

Normal icon with name in bold

Normal icon with name in bold

The file has changed locally and needs to be synchronized.

Icon with a plus sign and name in bold

Icon with a plus sign and name in bold

A new file in your local project is not uploaded to the Management Console.

Object icon has a yellow sign with an exclamation mark

Conflict exists between your local copy and remote project.

For example, the object was deleted in a remote Management Console.

When synchronizing, select how to resolve the conflict.

Databases folder and connections

The Databases folder shows databases for a connected Management Console.

To configure connections to a Management Console, navigate to Settings > Design Studio Settings > Management Consoles

The databases are fetched via database mappings in the Management Console.

To display the databases in the Design Studio Management Console section, database mappings must exist for the cluster databases you want to share with Design Studio users.

Unmapped cluster databases are not displayed in Design Studio.

The database mappings, types, and drivers are fetched from a Management Console only when the connection between the Management Console and your copy of Design Studio is established or refreshed during the following events:

  • Adding a Management Console connection to Design Studio.

  • Starting Design Studio with an existing Management Console connection.

  • Refreshing the Management Console connection.

To refresh the Management Console connection, select the Management Console node in the Management Consoles section tree and click Refresh.