Read File

The Read File step extracts data from the file on a local or remote desktop into a binary variable. This step can be used to read from a file on the Robot File System.

To enable file system access, including access to the local file system in the Local Desktop Automation mode, select the Allow File System and Command Line Access option on the Security tab in the RoboServer Settings application.

If your RoboServer is configured to forbid local file system access, the robot can run, but it produces an error if the step uses File Access set to Direct Access on the local device. However, the step can work on the local device with File Access set to Via RFS. On a remote device, both "Direct Access" and "Via RFS" can be used at all times.



Select the reference name to use. This reference name is specified in the Devices property of the Call Robot step.

File Access

Specify how the file must be accessed.

To read from a file on the specified local or remote device, select Direct Access.

To read from a file on a robot file system, select Via RFS.

File Name

Specify the path to the file from which to extract the data.


Specify the binary variable in which to store the extracted data.