
The Schedules page enables you to create and manage schedules in Kapplets. A schedule denotes a plan for running Kapplets. You can run Kapplets at a predefined interval, such as every day at noon or every Friday at 4.50 pm. If the list of schedules is extensive, use the Search input field to search for the required Kapplet. This page is available for all user groups.

By default, the following table columns are displayed for each schedule.



Kapplet name

Name of the Kapplet.


Name of the workspace that the Kapplet belongs to.

Next run

Time when the schedule is planned to run next time.

Schedule type

Planned interval between two consecutive runs of the schedule.

Execution time

Execution time of the last schedule run.


Status of the schedule execution.

Stop date

Date when the schedule stops.


User who created the schedule.

By default, the list is arranged alphabetically by Kapplets names. You can change the order of items by clicking the required column. To remove a schedule from the list, click Remove from the context menu of the schedule. From this menu, you can edit, pause, or resume the schedule.

Create new schedule

To create a new schedule, navigate to the Schedules page and perform the following steps:

  1. Click the plus sign in the upper left corner.

  2. Select a workspace and a Kapplet for the new schedule. Click Next.

  3. Select the Scheduling interval.

    Depending on your selection, new fields dynamically appear to configure the schedule accordingly. Possible options are:

    • Scheduling: Interval for the schedule.

    • First scheduled day: Local time when the schedule must start.

    • Trigger at: Available for "Weekly" and "Monthly" intervals. Time when the scheduled run starts.

    • Run Kapplet on: Available for "Weekly" and "Monthly" intervals. Select the day of the week or a month to start the schedule execution.

    • Pattern: Available only for the "cron" schedules. Pattern defining when the schedule must be run.

    • Last scheduled day: Available for all recurring schedules, such as for all schedules with the interval other than "Once."

    • Period: Available for the "Hourly" interval. Preferred time interval between two consecutive runs of schedules in hours. Enter any integer value between 1 and 23.

    • If execution fails: Select an action to perform in case of the schedule execution failure.

      For schedules with "Once" interval, you can select only Do nothing.

      For all schedules with the interval other than "Once", you can select any of the listed actions. However, if you select Do nothing, all pause actions become unavailable and if you select one or multiple pause actions, Do nothing becomes unavailable.

      • Do nothing

        Runs the schedule ignoring execution failures.

      • Pause if failed

        Pauses the schedule if an execution failed to start or failed to finish.

      • Pause if timed out

        Pauses the schedule if robot execution results contain timed out executions.

      • Pause if finished with error

        Pauses the schedule if an execution has finished but contains robots that completed with errors.

  4. In the Input parameters pane, you can enter the input parameters for robots.

  5. Click Save to save the schedule.

Alternative schedule creation

It is also possible to create a schedule from the Kapplets page. This is done by selecting the Kapplet and clicking Create schedule from the context menu.

View schedules

If a Kapplet has an assigned schedule, it is shown in the Kapplet box on the Kapplets page. In this case, you can click the Open context menu button and select View schedules to view the list of all existing schedules associated with this Kapplet.