Variable validation errors

Validation errors occur on variables and input that are invalid. This topic explains how to deal with these errors.

Error or Result Probable cause Resolution
"Type could not be found"

A type used by a variable is missing.

Either create a type with the name of the missing type or open the Configure Variable window and select another type for the variable.

"Invalid type"

Configuration problem with a type used by a variable.

Resolve the problem with the type or select a different type for the variable from the Configure Variable window.
"Incompatible with its type"

A variable had initial values assigned to attributes, then the variable's type was changed.

One or more of the values can no longer be assigned to the attributes. This happens if the attribute was deleted from the type, or if the attribute type was changed such that the old assignment value is now incompatible.

Clear the non-assigned values.

  1. Open the Configure Variable window, then exit it by clicking OK.

    A prompt appears, advising that the non-assigned values will be discarded.

  2. Click OK to discard the values and resolve the validation error.

For example, if an initial value is assigned to an attribute with the attribute type Short Text, but the variable type is changed such that the attribute now has the attribute type Boolean, the old value can no longer be assigned to it.

"Size cannot be greater than Integer max value: 8639044608."

In the Add Variable dialog box, if you add an input variable or parameter of type binary and load a file that exceeds the max size, then Design Studio closes.

Replace the target file with one that is less than the max size of 8639044608 bytes.