
The History page enables you to view the execution information about Kapplets. Click a Kapplet name in the table to open the execution information. This page is available for all user groups.

By default, the following table columns are displayed for each entity.




Icon of the Kapplet.


Name of the Kapplet


Date and time when the Kapplet execution entered its current state.


State of the Kapplet execution.

Created by

User who created the Kapplet.

You can filter the execution information by the execution state using the Settings. By default, all of the states are selected in the settings.

Image Name Description

In progress

Kapplet execution is running.


Kapplet execution has been started, but failed to complete.


Kapplet execution completed successfully.

Finished with errors

Kapplet execution completed with errors.

Timed out

Kapplet execution results contain timed out executions.


Kapplet execution has been stopped.

Export Kapplets result to Excel

From the History page, you can export the result of a Kapplet execution to an Excel file. To do so, from the list of executions, click a successfully executed Kapplet. You can download the execution result only if it is successful and has a table data to be exported.

  • To export the entire execution result, click the download button on the right.

    If you have multiple tables in your Kapplet execution result, they are shown as separate tabs in the resulting Excel file.

  • If you have multiple tables and you want to download a particular table, on the respective Table page tab, click the lower download button.