Naming policy
Kofax RPA imposes the following naming policy in Management Console and Design Studio:
- Common rules
Names that exceed 243 characters including the file extension are not allowed.
Do not use the following punctuation marks: /, \, <, >, :, ", |, ? or *.
Empty names are not allowed.
Folder names must be unique within their parent folder.
The file absolute path has a limitation of 255 characters.
If a backup/project created in version older than 11.2.0 contains item names that do not conform to the naming policy rules, these items are renamed automatically when you restore the backup/import the project.
A file name cannot be any of the system-reserved names: CON, PRN, AUX, NUL, COM1, COM2,
LPT8, LPT9. Also, do not use any of these names immediately followed by an extension.
ASCII control characters 0-31 are not allowed in a file or folder name.
- Specific rules for types and device mapping names
Characters other than letters, digits, and underscores are not allowed for type names.
Also, do not use such characters for device mapping names in Management Console.
Do not start a name with a digit.
Name local is a reserved name and cannot be used for device mapping names.
Do not use true or false in device mapping names.
- Duplicate names
Duplicate names within a project are allowed only for Basic Engine Robots (formerly known as Web Automation robots), texts/resources, and folders.
Duplicate names in parent folders are not allowed, including robots, snippets, types, resources, and database mapping names.
- Use of period "." in file names
You cannot use or create files and folders that start or end with a period "."
A file name cannot consist of periods only.
- Use of space in file names
A file or a folder name cannot start or end with a space.
Spaces are not allowed for type names and device mapping names.
Several spaces in a row are allowed for resource file names and folder names.