Run Kapplets

To run a Kapplet, perform the following steps:

  • Click the Run Kapplet button on the Kapplet to open the Start page. On the Start page, configure the input parameters (if present) and click Run in the lower right corner of the window. If you are running a Kapplet that uses OAuth, you can reuse OAuth credentials saved in the Management Console. To use saved OAuth information, click the Management Console tab and select the appropriate credentials under OAuth user.

    After you click Run, the Management Console receives a request to run a robot and tries to start it. If necessary resources are available, such as licenses, RoboServer slots, and so on, the robot is started on the cluster specified for the selected project. If necessary resources are not available, the robot is put in a queue with a ten minutes timeout. If after ten minutes the resources are still not available, the robot is removed from the queue and an error message is logged.

  • After the Kapplet is executed, the History page opens.