
Use the Devices area in the Robot definition pane to define devices used in Robots. See Edit Robot for navigation and context-menu options.

See the following related topics:

Add a device

  1. If the Device area is not expanded, click the down arrow, which changes to an up arrow.

  2. If no definitions exist, click the Add Device button or right-click the context menu to select Add Device.

  3. If definitions exist, use one of the following methods:

    • To add after existing entries, click the green plus sign.

    • To add between existing entries, select the preceding device, then select Add Below to insert the new one.

    • To add at the top of an existing list, place the pointer at the top and select the Add Deviceoption from the context menu.

  4. From the drop-down list, select the Reference type.

    • Static and Trigger devices have a value that is used during standalone editing of a robot. This value is called Project Device and is a Device Mapping from the robot's project.

    • Dynamic devices do not have a Project Device value during editing because these get their value by executing a Connect To Device step.

    • For Robots called from Basic Engine Robots, dynamic mapping can be passed to a static device. See Pass dynamic devices between robots.

    For details about referencing Static, Dynamic, and Trigger types, click the ? icon to go to the Prepare automation devices Kofax RPA Help topic.

  5. Name the device and press Enter.

    • The names of the devices that you set in the Robot can differ from those in the Basic Engine Robot. In the Robot editor, you can rename the device from the context menu if needed. When the device is renamed here, the name change is reflected in all of the steps where the device is used.

    • The number of devices defined in the Basic Engine Robot and the Robot must match.

  6. If the Robot executes in standalone mode, click the Project Device down arrow to select the corresponding device.

    The Project Device is used when running a robot in standalone mode from the Management Console.

Delete a device

Use the Devices area in the Robot definition pane to delete definitions. See Edit Robot for navigation and context-menu options.

In the Devices area, right-click the device and click Delete.

Deleting a device from a robot only removes the named device from the robot.

Device changes that reset a robot

The following describes when changes trigger a reset and how the reset is handled.

  • If you delete a device definition, the robot will reset.

  • A reset in standalone mode means refreshing the hub connection and resetting the internal state, current flow point, variables, and so on.

    A reset is the same as closing the robot, opening it again, and preparing the execution. Every internal state is reset, the Chromium built-in browser is reset, and the connections to devices are closed and reestablished.

    The only state that is not reset is the device that the robot is accessing, such as an application the robot opened on a computer. In this case, the device state has to be reset manually because its connection is not reestablished.

  • If you add a device, a reset of the robot is not triggered, but it stops streaming in the Recorder View. After the device is fully defined, you must press Resume in the Recorder View to restart streaming. Alternatively, you can start execution or execute a single step in the robot to restart streaming.

  • Any external change to a Project Device resets execution. For example, deleting a Project Device or changing its properties.