Set Content of Cell

This action inserts the specified content to a spreadsheet cell, in the same way it works in Excel. The cell acquires the type of the content inserted, which means it acquires the type Number when the content is a number, or the type Boolean when a Boolean value is entered.


The Set Content of Cell action can be configured using the following properties:


This property specifies the content of a cell. Options are:

  • Value - Sets the value directly
  • Variable - Specifies a variable that stores the value.
  • Expression - Creates an expression to specify the value.
  • Converters - Specifies a data converter to set the value.

This property specifies the format of a cell. Options are:

  • Value - Sets a value directly
  • Variable - Specifies a variable that stores the value.
  • Expression - Creates an expression to specify the value.
  • Converters - Specifies a data converter to set the value.

Entering a number followed by a D letter in an Excel cell causes the D letter to disappear. To avoid it, add a single quotation mark in front of the number, such as: '12358D.