Robot View
The Robot view is located at the top of the Robot Editor under the tabs. The Robot view shows you the robot program: the steps and connections that make up the robot. In this view, you navigate through the robot steps. Select a step to edit its structure such as delete, move, change, or group steps.
- Current Step
In the Robot view, there is a notion called a "current step". The current step marks the position in this execution and Design Studio.
The current step is marked in green. Click a step to execute the robot up to that step. The selected step becomes the current step. When execution reaches the step, it becomes the new current step and appears in green. If execution cannot reach the clicked step (for example, an HTML page does not load), the execution stops at the valid step, which becomes the new current step. If you click a step the robot has already executed, no execution occurs, but the new step becomes the new current step.
- Current Execution Path
The current execution path is the path in the robot that the execution performed to get to the current step.
- Select Items
To select a series of steps, press and hold the Ctrl key and click the items. Click anywhere outside the robot to deselect currently selected steps and connections.
- Edit Actions
The Robot Editor lets you perform a long range of actions on steps. These include standard editor actions such as copy, paste, cut and delete, and actions that affect the execution of the robot in Design mode. You can perform actions on either the current step (if no other step is selected) or selected steps. Perform an action by clicking the corresponding toolbar button or by using the context menus on the selected elements.
For more information, see Edit Robot for Robots
and General Editing for Basic Engine Robots