Loop steps

This section describes looping steps in Robots.

There are six loop steps: the Loop step, the While Loop step, the For Each Loop step, the For Each Email step, the Iterate Directory step, and the Query Database step, which also belongs to the Database category.

The following is common for all loop steps:

  1. All loop steps have an optional iteration variable.
  2. You can break out of loop steps using the Break step.
  3. You can skip to the next iteration using the Continue step.

Iteration variable

All loop steps has an optional iteration variable. This is an Integer variable that you can define in the step with the following characteristics.

  • The variable's initial value is 0, that is, during the first iteration the variable is 0.
  • It is increased by one at the end of each iteration of the loop.
  • The variable is local to the loop step and it is not accessible outside the loop.
  • The variable is read only, which means you cannot change it using the Assign step.

To refer to an iteration variable inside the loop, select Iteration Variable and enter the name of the variable to store the iteration.

Reference to previous finder

Starting with Kofax RPA 11.3.0, all previous finders are cleared at the start of a loop step body. If your robot containing loop steps is created with an earlier version of the product, we recommend that you replace any previous finders with named finders.