Types of browsers

Kofax RPA uses robots to interact with and extract data from websites. For this purpose, robots use built-in browsers, each based on a particular technology: Chromium and WebKit. Starting with version 11.2.0, Kofax RPA is transitioning from the WebKit-based to the Chromium browser, and we recommend that you create your new robots with the Chromium browser. See About transition to CEF and robot name change.

Chromium browser

This section provides information about the recommended browser used with Robots (formerly known as Desktop Automation robots).

The Chromium browser is the most current browser engine implemented in Kofax RPA. This browser is the recommended browser to use with modern websites where the state resides on the server side; that is, the state is external to the robot. Execution of steps in this browser move forward only, and you need to use the browser tools, such as the back and forward buttons, to navigate through the web pages. This browser is updated regularly and comprises the latest web technologies, including JavaScript. For more information on how to use this browser, see Access Websites.

To get training on the Chromium browser, contact Kofax Education or find your training course here.

WebKit-based browser

This section provides information about the browser used with Basic Engine Robots (formerly known as Web Automation robots).

WebKit-based browser
This browser saves the state of the web page internally in the robot, and it is intended for legacy low resource-dependent websites that allow for the client-side control of the web content (the client-side state). The WebKit-based browser does not support the most current web standards and technologies, including JavaScript features such as the async function, the await operator, and others.