High availability nodes

This section is available for users with the following roles: Administrator and Project Administrator.

This section lists all configured high availability nodes. For information on how to enable high availability mode and configure multiple Management Consoles to work together as a cluster, see "High Availability" in the Kofax RPA Administrator's Guide.

You can change the way the information for high availability nodes is presented as follows:

  • Select the table columns to display using the menu icon on the right.
  • Refresh the displayed information by clicking the refresh icon on the right.
  • Reset the custom column settings by clicking the reset icon on the right.

By default, the following table columns are displayed for all configured nodes.

Column Description
Node ID ID of the configured Management Console node.
Interface IP address of the Management Console node including port.
Status Status of the node: Running, Shutting Down, or Shut Down.
Connected to Shows "Yes" or "No" depending on whether you are currently connected to this node.