Insert Columns

This action inserts one or more columns in a spreadsheet.


The Insert Columns action can be configured using the following properties:

Insert Where

This option specifies where to insert the columns. Options are:

  • First
  • Before (Default)
  • After
  • Last

When a cell range is selected, the Before option inserts a column before the range, and the After option inserts a column after the range, while the First option inserts a column at the beginning within the range, and the Last option inserts a column at the end within the range.

Number of Columns

The number of columns to insert.

Set as Named Range

Range name options are:

  • Auto (Default)
  • Named: If you select this option, specify a name of the range.
Range Name

Has two options, Auto or Named. Auto gives the range a name which is number. The first Auto-numbered range will have number 1, the next number 2, and so on. Note that the number may change if additional Auto-numbered ranges are inserted before this step (on the same page). Named gives the range a fixed and explicitly stated name, which has several advantages:

  • It is easier to remember what the named range identifies if it has a well-chosen name
  • An explicitly named range is not affected if another named range is inserted before it
  • If you use the same name again, the name will simply be made to refer to the new range (useful for stateful in-page looping)