Silent installation of Process Discovery Agents
You can perform a silent installation of agents for automating the installation process using a script file. To perform a silent installation of Kofax RPA Process Discovery Agent to the default location, run the following command with administrative rights:
msiexec /qn /I KofaxRPAProcessDiscoveryAgent-<buildnumber>.msi MCURL="mc_url" MCUSER="username" MCPW="password" GROUP="group"
Where “mc_url”, “username”, and “password” are a URL, a user name, and a password to connect to the Management Console, and “group” is the group name Created in the Management Console in the Process Discovery Groups section under .
To specify a location to install the agent, run the following command:
msiexec /qn /i KofaxRPAProcessDiscoveryAgent-<buildnumber>.msi MCURL="mc_url" MCUSER="username" MCPW="password" GROUP="group" INSTALLDIR="dir"
Where "dir" is the path where you want to install the agent.
To log the installation process, specify a log file:
msiexec /qn /i KofaxRPAProcessDiscoveryAgent-<buildnumber>.msi /l RPAmsilog.txt
To start the agent after installation, specify the following command:
"start /d <installdir> KofaxRPAProcessDiscoveryAgent.exe"
Where <installdir> is the directory where the program is installed. If the INSTALLDIR option was specified during the installation, use its value for <installdir>.
To edit the agent settings, right-click the
Process Discovery Agent
in the notification area and select
Configure. To open the help topic, right-click the
Process Discovery Agent
in the notification area and click