License details

Use the "License details" tab to view all of the details related to your Kofax RPA license.

The information is customized to show only the features of your license and configuration.

For example, if you have a license for Analytics, the item "Kofax RPA Analytics: Yes" appears in the table.

The "License details" are not automatically refreshed but are re-computed (requested from the Management Console) when the user switches to the licensing display or when the licensing method has changed.

The "License details" table lists the following read-only details, based on the license type and configuration.

  • Feature lists the features available on the license.

  • In use shows the features and units used by this Management Console.

    For example, this total shows the number of users registered in user management. Units distributed by the Management Console, such as CRE, reserve a configured number of production and non-production units.

    If your license is configured using a license server, the "In use" total does not include reserve licenses. Reserve licenses show only when they are in use.

  • Available (unused) shows the license units remaining on the license (not the total number of units).

    The total number of units depends on license units used by other tenants and might not be computable directly. If configured with a license key, this shows the number of unused units, which is the number of units configured in the license key minus the number of in-use units.

  • Expires shows the expiration date of the license features, if applicable.

    Individual features may have different dates. If licensed with license keys, all features show the same expiration date.

    Licenses configured on Kofax TotalAgility unified license servers do not show a System Expiration date in the Kofax RPA "License details". Refer to the "Integration" topic in the Kofax TotalAgility Designer Help.

License updates

Kofax RPA supports two license types:

  • Station licenses provide a limited number of units, such as a maximum number of users, CREs, and so on. When units are no longer used, they can be reset to become part of the available units.

  • System licenses provide an unlimited number of licenses and indicate when a feature is available.

Based on your license type and configuration (license key or server), the Management Console periodically updates usage and checks license availability.

  • At startup, the Management Console calls all license types to check availability and current usage.

  • For station licenses, the Management Console counts the number of users and reports them using the station API. During operation, it periodically updates and checks availability as follows.

    • Updates usage every 5 to 10 minutes (configurable interval).

      This accounts for limited license units, such as number of users. If there is an unlimited resource configured, the number of units are not reported to the server.

    • When a new unit is requested, updates the station license unit consumption.

      For example, as you create a new user, the Management Console updates the number of in-use units with requests for new units to check for availability. If a unit cannot be allocated, the create new user action is denied.

  • For license key configurations, a restart is required for the following system license changes to be reflected on the Management Console:

    • Any removal of system license features, like high availability.

    • Any system license changes.

  • For system license server configurations, feature availability and license changes are checked every 10 minutes. The license is managed by servers in the Kofax TotalAgility environment.

  • At shutdown, all station licenses are called during shutdown with a value of "0" to release the resources.

Reserve licenses

If the Kofax RPA license is configured on a license server, the Kofax TotalAgility "License API Key" reports reserve licenses only when you start using them.

For example, if you have five users and three reserve licenses, the "License details" shows "5" users until you use more than five. When a sixth license is used, then you see that you tapped into the reserve and the total licenses is "6." Kofax TotalAgility only reports the reserve licenses after they are allocated.