Log in to Kapplets

The first time you open Kapplets in a browser, you need to enter the shared secret to authenticate Kapplets using the Management Console (unless it has been already configured during the installation).

To do so, perform the following actions:

  1. Go to Management Console > Admin > Service authentication.

  2. From the Kapplets context menu, select Show shared secret and copy the shared secret.

  3. On the Kapplets page, click If you are an administrator, click here to provide OAuth Kapplets secret.

  4. Enter the copied shared secret and click Update.

  5. Click Log in with Management Console.

If the shared secret has been changed in Management Console, you need to update it on the Kapplets login page.

Next time you log in to Kapplets after the shared secret is configured:

  • Open Kapplets and click Log in with Management Console. You are redirected to the Management Console login page.

    Enter your credentials and click Log in. You are automatically redirected back and logged in to Kapplets.

  • If you are already logged in to the Management Console, after you open Kapplets, you are automatically logged in to Kapplets.