Email triggers

This section is available for users with the following roles: Administrator, Viewer, Project Administrator, and Developer.

This "Email triggers" window lists email triggers set up for the email trigger functionality. Use this window to add new triggers and delete triggers that you no longer need.

The robot specified for the email trigger must contain one variable of complex type with a long text attribute. The robot can read all headers, body, and one or more attachments of an email. All attachments are encoded to Base64 format. If the robot does not contain any variable, the email is not processed and used just as a trigger to start a robot.

At the top of the "Email triggers" section, in the Projects drop-down list, select the project with email triggers to display. You can change the way the information for each email trigger is presented as follows:

  • Select the table columns to display for an email trigger using the menu icon on the right.
  • Refresh the displayed information by clicking the refresh icon on the right.
  • Reset the custom column settings by clicking the reset icon on the right.
  • Select the number of items to display per page and navigate among pages by using the navigation menu in the bottom right corner.

By default, the following information is displayed for each email trigger.

Column Description
Email trigger Name of the email trigger.
Assigned email folder Folder on the email server. Email messages that appear in this folder initiate the trigger.
Robot Robot that uses the email trigger.
Project Project that contains the email trigger.

Create New Email Trigger

  1. To add a new email trigger, click the plus sign in the upper left corner.

    The "Create email trigger mapping" dialog box appears.

  2. Specify the following parameters:

    1. Trigger name: Enter a name for the email trigger.
    2. Select project: Select a project to contain the email trigger.
    3. Select email account: Select an email account for the trigger. See Email accounts for details.
    4. Select robot: Select a robot that will use the trigger.
    5. Priority: Select processing priority (minimum, low, medium, high, maximum). This priority is set between robots with email triggers if robots are put into a queue.

    6. Timeout: Select the timeout for processing emails. The emails that are not processed during the specified timeout are moved to the Timedout folder in Inbox.

      RPA creates the following folders in Inbox:

      • Error: Contains emails that generated errors while processing.

      • Finished: Contains successfully processed emails.

      • Processing: Contains emails that are being processed.

      • Timedout: Contains emails that has not been processed during the specified timeout.

    7. Select email folder: Select a folder on the email server. Email messages that appear in this folder initiate the trigger. If the email server provides a list of subfolders under Inbox and you select one of the subfolders, only messages that appear in the selected subfolder trigger robot execution. In this case, messages placed to Inbox do not trigger robot execution.

      If the email server does not provide a list of subfolders, select Inbox and all messages that appear in Inbox and its subfolders will trigger a robot.

  3. Click OK.

Additionally, you can perform the following actions on email triggers from the context menu:

  • Edit: Contains the same fields as the "Create email trigger mapping" dialog box.

To delete an email trigger from the Management Console, select it in the table and click the bin icon in the upper left corner. You are prompted to confirm the deletion.