Installation errors from Microsoft Excel

This topic describes how to resolve and prevent errors while running Robots on a RoboServer as a Windows service. In this case, the built-in Excel driver may need some additional configuration in Windows to work correctly.

Device Issue. Error Executing Command: Error Creating Excel Instance: Unknown Error 0x800A03EC

To resolve the error:

  1. Create two empty folders (if they do not exist yet):
    • C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\Desktop
    • C:\Windows\SysWow64\config\systemprofile\Desktop
  2. Make sure the user of the Windows service has access rights to these folders, which allow Excel to be started from a service.

Error Executing Command: Error Creating Excel Instance: Server Execution Failed: Error Executing Command and Error Creating Excel Instance: Access Denied

These errors can be caused by an insufficient Excel COM Launch and incorrectly configured Activation rights.

To resolve both errors:

  1. In the Run dialog or Windows Start menu, start the dcomcnfg.exe application.
  2. In the opened window, navigate to Component Services > Computers > My Computer > DCOM Config > Microsoft Excel Application.

    If there is no Microsoft Excel Application entry, you may need to start the dcomcnfg.exe application for a different architecture.

    To do this, open a command-line window, navigate to C:\Windows\SysWOW64, and execute the following command: mmc comexp.msc /32

  3. Right-click the Microsoft Excel Application entry and select Properties.
  4. On the Security tab, select Customize for Launch and Activation Permissions and click Edit.
  5. Click Add to add a user or a desired user group if they are not on the list.
  6. Make sure the check boxes Local Launch and Local Activation are selected.
  7. Save all the changes and restart the Windows service.