
Kofax RPA Process Discovery is designed to use a MySQL database. For supported versions of MySQL, see the Kofax RPA Technical Specifications document on the Kofax RPA 11.5.0 documentation site:

We recommend that you follow these instructions as a safeguard to prevent performance issues.

  • Use a dedicated server with fast disk drives, such as SSD for your MySQL database. If the underlying hardware is not powerful, we recommend to run no more than 100 Agents simultaneously for one Process Discovery group. The maximum number of Agents per group depends on the intensity of the recorded user activities and applications where these activities occur.

  • MySQL database name length limit specified in Management Console is 104 characters.

  • One instance of Process Discovery Agent records about 500 MB of data per user per day.

    Make sure that the MySQL server has sufficient storage space.

  • Change some of the default MySQL server settings, which are stored in a configuration file. The file name and location may differ, depending on your operating system and MySQL distribution package version.

    For example, on Windows, the configuration file for MySQL 8 is located here:

    C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\data\my.ini

    • Set "max_allowed_packet" to at least 16 MB ("max_allowed_packet=16MB") .

    • Set "innodb_buffer_pool_size" to 80% of the available RAM.

      For example, if there is 8.0 GB total RAM and 5.0 GB available RAM on a MySQL server, then "innodb_buffer_pool_size" should be set to 4096 MB ("innodb_buffer_pool_size=4096MB"), where 5.0GB * 1024 * 0.8 = 4096 MB.

    • Disable the binary logging feature.

      When enabled, it doubles the volume of data that Agents record to the database.

      To disable it, add "skip-log-bin" line to the [mysqld] section of the configuration file.

    • Set the maximum number of connections to 1000 ("max_connections=1000").

    Restart the MySQL server to apply the changes made in the configuration file.

  • Data retention.

    Once the Agent data is not needed any more, drop the Agent database schema specified in Management Console for the specific Discovery Group. To do so, you can use any database management tool, such as MySQL Workbench.

    Follow the same instructions to store the Process Discovery Analyzer data.