Requirements for automation device mapping

Set the device mapping to access a device from a project in Design Studio.

  • The Device Mapping option is the where Design Studio connects directly to a Desktop Automation instance.

  • The Management Console Based Device Mapping option uses Management Console to allocate an available Desktop Automation instance from a pool to Design Studio, which Design Studio then connects to.

For automating terminal emulators, do not use the Desktop Automation Service on your remote computer or create a device mapping in the Management Console. See Automate terminal emulators.

We recommend using the Management Console Based Device Mapping option, because with it you can be certain that the robots you create will work on the dedicated Management Console with the specified automation devices, despite changes in the network infrastructure.

  • The automation device mapping name must start with a letter or an underscore and contain only letters, digits and underscores and cannot be the words "false" or "true. "

  • The name of the mapping you create in Design Studio must match the name of the mapping in Management Console.

  • The labels used in Design Studio must match the device you use at design time.

  • The labels in Management Console must match the device used in production environment.

For developing and debugging your robot in Design Studio, use the Device Mapping option in the Configure Device Mapping dialog box.