Create bare repository

Before starting the Synchronizers and setting up the Management Consoles for synchronization, you need to install Git, and open Git Bash, then initialize your Git repository. The method for creating a new bare repository depends on the third-party tool that you are using.

To create a bare repository and a development branch, you can execute the following commands.

# mkdir example.git
# cd example.git/
# git init --bare
Initialized empty Git repository in /gitrepos/example.git/
# cd ..
# git clone example.git
Cloning into 'example'...
warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository.
#cd example/
# git commit --allow-empty -m 'initial commit'
[master (root-commit) b96fdb8] initial commit
# git push origin
Everything up-to-date
# git checkout -b development
Switched to a new branch 'development'
# git push -u origin development:development

Alternatively, you can use the Synchronizer to automatically create a bare repository. When you start the Synchronizer, it automatically creates a bare repository on the specified location if it was not already created, with an empty initial commit. However, the Synchronizer does not create a branch if it is not already present.