Deploy Analyzer using Docker on Linux

This procedure provides basic steps for deploying Process Discovery Analyzer on a standalone server on a Linux-based system using Docker.

  1. Start MySQL server.

    MySQL server can also be deployed using Docker. You can find the latest MySQL server image on the official Docker Hub website.

  2. Start Management Console and specify Process Discovery Analyzer parameters. Use the default settings where they are available in the following fields.
    1. In the Management Console, expand the Settings menu and click Process Discovery Analyzer.
    2. Specify Process Discovery Analyzer database connection settings1, runtime parameters, cluster settings, and supply the database root password.
    3. Perform database provisioning by clicking Create schema and Grant user access on the Database provisioning tab. For details, see the Process Discovery Analyzer.
  3. Download KofaxRPAProcessDiscoveryAnalyzer-<buildnumber>.zip and extract all files from the archive to a folder on your computer.
  4. Download Docker from and install it on your computer.
  5. You can add the current user to the Docker group to avoid being asked to type sudo with every Docker command. For example, to add a "kofax" user, replace docker:x:<n> with docker:x:<n>:kofax in the /etc/group file. Log out and log in or reboot to update permissions.
  6. Navigate to the folder with the Dockerfile from the archive.
  7. Build the Analyzer Docker image by running the following command:
    docker build --tag process_discovery_analyzer_11.5.0.0 .
  8. Specify environment variables of the container and start the Analyzer. The Analyzer starts with the following default settings:
    LOCALE=<system settings>

    You can set the following environment variables:

    • MC_URL: Management Console URL

    • MC_USER: Username

    • MC_PASSWORD: Password

    • LOG: Sets logging level. Possible values are CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG.

    • LOCALE: Sets the preferred language for the Analyzer.

    • DUMP: Dumps some intermediate data into a temporary folder.

    To start the Analyzer, use the docker run command and specify environment variables at the container startup as follows:

    docker run -it [-e <ENV VAR>=<VALUE>] process_discovery_analyzer_11.5.0.0

    To specify environment variable DUMP, use the following pattern:

    -e DUMP=True

    For the list of Analyzer options and default settings, see Process Discovery Analyzer options.

    To get the Analyzer container ID, run the following command:

    docker ps

    To stop the Analyzer, run the following command:

    docker stop <container-id>

    To apply new settings to the Analyzer, first stop the container and then restart it with new parameters.

1 This is an IP address or a domain name of the computer running MySQL server or the Docker container with MySQL server. Note that you cannot specify localhost or as the address.